It wasn’t until the Greeks and Romans took over, that Perfume making began to be regarded as an Art. Quite many changes have swept Perfumery since then. Some practices stand lost altogether. But we are proudly holding upon some of them. Ildela is one of the few companies to still practice the French heritage technique of Perfume preservation, known as Baudruchage.
Baudruchage is a method intended to keep the purity of perfume intact inside the glass bottle. Back in time, a thin membrane of animal source called Baudruche used to serve this purpose. Ildelà stands against animal cruelty, hence our Baudruche is made up of non-animal material. Our Ground Zero Collection's perfume flacons, even today display Baudruchage in its truest form.

The intricate process begins with deep cleansing of the glass bottle. Next, the fine membrane is moisturized, and placed over the bottle neck ensuring consistent coverage. The quintessential Ildela Plume Twine is then wrapped around the membrane to lock it in place. Lastly, a Gandhkarika seals them by imprinting the iconic Ildela Insignia over molten black wax.
Even with the expert hands of a Gandhkarika, not more than 20 bottles can be sealed in an hour. The technique further becomes an exclusive one to perform as every third bottle is bound to go wasted during the molten wax sealing. It takes around 6 months of training to learn The Art of Baudruchage at Ildela.